Monday, September 14, 2015

Tips for Monday Morning

Tips for Monday Morning

Hey guys!! Today I will be sharing some tips on how to handle Monday morning be cause I know we all wish Monday morning had a face.

1. Develop a sweet spot:

 A sweet spot is something you do or think about that makes your heart smile(this definition was coined by presenters of The Spot on Ebony Life Tv) so how about developing a sweet spot from Sunday night towards Monday morning and give our guy(Monday Morning) a chill pill.
 My sweet spot towards morning is painting my nails I don't know how it works but trust me it does so you should get yours also you will be glad.

2. Gratitude:

 Am a positivity enthusiast so being grateful helps to put me in a right mind for things. So when you think about being able to wake up in the morning. Having a job or a place of learning to attend then you will be grateful

So guys... Tell me how you get along with Monday mornings

Keep in touch!!

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  1. Thanks for the beautiful tips..stay focused nd believe in your dreams!

  2. thank you for these wonderful piece.
    For me, gratitude really helps. Knowing that seeing the dawn of another day is a privilege makes me appreciate each and everyday of my life, be it a Monday morning or a Friday morning.

    And my sweet spot is that I really like to dress down on Mondays, u know, wear a very nice dress with a very nice heels and a very nice make-up and I usually get complimented a lot for that by my colleagues. For me, that's a great way to start the week. *signs teeth*

    1. Thank you Taiwo and yes I know that your sweet spot am very familiar with it from bbm
