Saturday, November 21, 2015

20 Easy Truth Or Dare Questions

Hi Guys
I'm supposed to write a story about anything but I have not been able too so I found this post online for truth or dare questions and am going to be answering twenty of them. Setting is in a party because I know people had most like be with in a party I will be mentioning names of my friends.
Feel free to share some of your answers with me
1. What would you do if you could see one day into the future?
Ans. I will relax(my future is gonna be great)
2.Would you abandon your friends for 1million dollars?
Ans. No way. My friends are awesometastic
3. Would you commit a crime if you knew there was no way you'd get in trouble, and no one will get hurt?
Ans. At first instance I was man that's great, but naah I really cannot my conscience will eat me up forever
4. If your significant other said they were okay with it,would you cheat on them?
Ans. Nope, No, Never
5. Who was your first crush?
Ans. A radio OAP Ikphomwansa Osakioduwa
6. What music are you most ashamed you listen to?
Ans. I don't have any music am ashamed of listening
7. What TV show are you most embarrassed to admit you like watching?
Ans. None. These days I hardly even watch TV
8. If you could go on a date with anyone in this room, who would it be?
Ans. Andrew. I actually owe him a date
9. Who in this room do you trust the most?
Ans. 3 people. This question does not insist that I put a name so am safe :)
10. What's the longest period of time you have gone without bathing or showering?
Ans. If I remember correctly 2days
11. What are you most afraid of?
Ans. Not achieving all I can.
12. What rumor have you spread that wasn't true?
Ans. I don't spread rumors
13.What was the last lie you told?
Ans. Am fine. Even though I don't know if this counts as a lie it's just my default answer so if you call me and am on a sick bed. I'd still say am fine
14. Would you love your significant other if they gained 100pounds?
Ans. Yes. Believing that my weight will be proportional to his.
15.If you could trade bodies with anyone in this room who would it be? What's the best feature?
Ans. Moyo. She's straight (Forgive me please)
16.Have you ever killed a romantic mood on purpose? If so why?
Ans. Yes. Wasn't in the mood
17.What is the meanest thing you've ever done?
Ans. Can't remember
18. What embarrassing things do your parents still do for  you?
Ans. My mum tucks me in.
P.S  It's not embarrassing
19. What's the first thing you will do if you could become invisible?
Ans. Chei chei. Slapping spree
20. What's the meanest thing you have said to one of your parents or grandparents?
Ans. Accused my grandma of not caring for me like she did for her other grandkids.

xoxo guys...
Don't forget to drop your comments

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Easy Steps on Killing A Dragon

Have you ever thought it impossible to kill a dragon? Think again as this GIF teaches you easy steps on how to kill a dragon...not too easy though but hilarious.

It's easy and you won't even break a

This post is courtesy: Ofilispeaks

Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Mindset of A Successful Woman

Always wanted to be a successful woman?
See below some mindsets you will be needing to inculcate and also understand

1. See a world of abundance
There are two types of people in the world, those who see abundance and those who see scarcity. The reality is that the world is one of abundance, and once you see that, the way you approach life radically changes. Rather than compete with others and operate out of fear, you learn to work together and succeed together. You understand that if you don't achieve a goal this time around, there's plenty of opportunity down the line. Once you open your mind to the abundance of wealth all around you, you can harness it to achieve your dreams.

2. Use fear to your advantage
A friend of Robert's and mine says that fear is the indicator that there is usually something great on the other side. He has vowed to always "walk into the fear." One quote he shares is by Ralph Waldo Emerson: "He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life." When you are afraid to do something great, like start a business or invest in a new asset, use that fear to help propel you forward, not turn you away. Go under it, over it, around it, through it - but don't hang around in it.

3. Listen to your inner Yoda
There's a great scene from Star Wars where Yoda tells Luke, "There is no try. There is only do." One of the things that holds women back the most is the words "try" and "can't." You can, and you will. Don't use language that has defeat already built in. Instead, consider how you can do it and then either choose to do it, or not to do it.

4. Take responsibility
The worst thing you can do is blame others for your mistakes. Doing that keeps us in a holding pattern, unable to grow because we're so busy trying to stop everybody from holding us back. Really, we're the only ones holding us back. When you fail, own it. When you succeed, own that too. Learn what you can and move on. It's the only way forward.

5. Be generous
There's a tendency for women to be competitive with each other. Shocker, right? You're probably successful because others have invested in you. There is no woman who is an island unto herself (to modify the old adage). Someone probably invested in you, generously too. Do the same with others who can benefit from your knowledge. And maybe you'll even learn something along the way.

6. Always be learning
Nothing stops success like a closed mind. The world changes so rapidly that if you don't keep learning, you'll soon be left behind. Look for lessons wherever you can find them. Read continually. Do and learn. An open mind is an open door to success.

This post is courtesy: